How To Hack The WiFi Password in Android

Internet is an essential part of our life in this Modern Era. From Home to Workplace we all are dependent on it. You may or may not be able to access internet connectivity everywhere. Sometimes the WiFi may be Secured in any Vicinity. You had been helpless in this particular situation if you don’t know how to hack a WiFi password and Access it for free. A lot of people are asking me that how to hack Wi-Fi passwords on Android Mobiles and is it possible to do so. The answer is Yes and is very easy.

Before Discussing the main topic I am gonna tell you that there are three main types of WiFi security systems.

Types of WiFi Security

  1. Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP): WEP is the most popular and most used WiFi security in the world. However, this type is not much secure and a person can easily crack and hack this type of security.
  2. Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA): WPA is the latest and Updated version Of WEP WiFi Security. American Hackers found flaws in it, which made an easy way to crack this type of Security System.
  3. Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS): WPS is the most Advanced and Encrypted WiFi security system. This type of Security is Bare to Hack. But in some cases, it gets hacked but needs the most advanced and high hacking skills.

Best Methods to Hack Wi-Fi Password:

So let me start the various methods of how to hack the WiFi password in android phones one by one.

1) Hack The WiFi Password in Android Using WIFI WPS WPA TESTER (without Rooting):

Wi-Fi WPS WPA TESTER is an android app available at Play Store and is widely used for WiFi Password hacking. The great thing about this app is that it can be used without Rooting Your Mobile Phone and works on both rooted and non Rooted mobile phones. Hacking a WiFi password using this app is easy and can do only in Few Steps.

method 1
Hack The WiFi Password in Android Using Wi-Fi WPS WPA TESTER

Steps Of Wi-Fi Password Hacking Using WIFI WPS WPA TESTER:

  • Download the WIFI WPS WPA TESTER from Play Store and install it on your Mobile Phone.
  • Go to your Phone setting and Enable WiFi setting On.
  • Now go to the app and search for WiFi Network nearby you.
  • Selected one of the networks and tap on it to start Hacking.
  • You can also input its key manually.
  • The App Checks the Security of the WiFi and then finds the Password by trying different Combinations of Numbers and words. After the app cracks the password then it automatically connects your phone with the WiFi Connection.

2) Hack The WiFi Password in Android using WPSAPP App:

WPSAPP is a perfect Andriod App for those who want to get security Information about WiFi connection. This app also helps to Crack the Password by applying several algorithms to generate Random Pin as well as difficult pins. Using this app WEP Wi-Fi network without any difficulties.

This App is divided into Tabs. The Network one and the Devices. In the first tab, you can view all Available networks including your and its IP Addresses, including all types of Security and Encryption. In the second tab, you are able to view the information of Devices including the number of devices connected to your WiFi network, as well as each device’s type, model, and IP address. Hacking WiFi passwords using WPSAPP can be done in the few steps given below.

method 2
Hack The WiFi Password in Android Using WPSAPP App

Steps Of Wi-Fi Password Hacking Using WPSAPP Android App:

  • Download the WPSAPP Android app from Play Store on your Phone.
  • After installing this app, open the App and search for the nearby connections.
  • Click on the WEP network connection you want to Connect.
  • Click on the “CONNECT WITH PIN“, after a few seconds the app will show the Password of the given WiFi Connection.

3) Hack The WiFi Password in Android using Wi-Fi WPS Connect app (Root device)

Wi-Fi WPS Connect app is an Android app using to detect the security of a WiFi Connection and also try to connect it with Your device. This app works on both Rooted and Non Rooted phones, usually on Rooted devices because of database information. It can easily hack WiFi Connections having WPS security and connects it without entering Passwords.

method 3
Hack The WiFi Password in Android Using WPS Connect app

Below are the steps to hack Wi-Fi password and connect your Android phone using the Wi-Fi WPS Connect app:

  • Download the WiFi WPS Connect App on your Phone.
  • Enable WiFi Setting On of your phone.
  • After installing the app, click on the Scan button to scene all nearby Connections.
  • It takes some time to display all the details of the nearby WiFi connections (including IP address, Password Etc).
  • Tap any connection you want to hack, a tab will open show the Keys (Pins).
  • Click on the key to start your Hacking process.
  • It takes some seconds, and finally, WiFi password hacking will be completed.

4) Hack The WiFi Password in Android using AndroDumper App (Without Rooting)

AndroDumper is another app using to Hack the WiFi password on your android phone. This is the most popular app available which works without rooting your Phone.

method 4
Hack The WiFi Password in Android Using AndroDumper App

Below are the steps to hack Wi-Fi password and connect your Android phone using AndroDumper App APK:

  • Download the AndroDumper App APK on your Android phone and Install it.
  • Enable WiFi Setting On of your phone.
  • Open the app and click on the REFRESH BUTTON to search and get nearby connections.
  • Tap on the WiFi network you wish to Hack.
  • Now wait a while, the app is trying to find the password of your chosen WiFi connection.
  • Finally, the app connects your device to the given WiFi connection.


Alert: This article is only for educational and knowledge purposes; it is illegal to misuse this information (don’t misuse this information).

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