If you are looking for What is the Meaning of DP, then here is your chance to know it all. There are two notable full forms of the acronym DP. The first is the most usable one i.e., Display Picture, and the second one is Data Processing. Both the terms have their unique features and meanings that you will learn about over here, so let’s begin with What is the Meaning of DP?.

(i) DP: Display Picture – What is the Meaning of DP
DP stands for Display Picture. It represents a photo that is generally used to upload on a social networking site like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etc.
Display picture can be defined as: “A highlighted picture of one person on social media or other internet chat profile to represent his visual identity.” It is also known as a profile picture, but as it does not portray your profile, most people prefer to call it a Display Picture (DP).
You can also crop, change contrast and brightness, change the display picture’s background, etc.
(ii) DP: Data Processing – What is the Meaning of DP
Data Processing is a technique that uses computer software to organize and manipulate data, usually large amounts of numeric data. It is also used to manage, analyze, calculate, process, and store data. In simple words, it is the conversion of raw data to meaningful information through a process that involves computer systems, software, etc
- Validation: ensures correct data
- Sorting: arranges the data
- Analysis: accurate calculations are done
- Classification: categorizes data
- Summarising: reduces data to the root points
- Aggregation: combines data
So, after learning What is the Meaning of DP and its meaning, you will surely be particular about using the appropriate terms in the right places. This will help you to enlighten others who are still ignorant of the full forms of DP.
Though many use the term DP in relation to their social media accounts, the majority of the masses do not even know that it is an acronym and what DP stands for. If you want to learn more about the two terms, then you can follow me on Twitter, Instagram to get more informations.
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